Shehnaz Mohammed graduated from The University of the West Indies with a BA in
Communications and Spanish and holds an MBA from Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of
Business. Shehnaz currently teaches Spanish at an all-girls
Secondary School in Trinidad. In 2021, Shehnaz graduated with a distinction in the Master’s in
Education programme from The University of the West Indies. One of the visible outcomes of
Shehnaz’s research is the incorporation of Assistive technologies in her own classroom to help
children to access the curriculum fully, a practice that became more critical during pandemic. In
fact, her work in promoting Inclusion led her to a recent award from the United Nations-
mandated University of Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica for her work towards the achievement of
Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Education.
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Haphiza's Odyssey: Soft skills and spiritual lessons learned from my mom, village girl turned businesswoman