This book on parenting examines the issue of the effects of maternal chronic stress on the unborn child with the mother being the conduit of the fetus’ experiences. What the mother is experiencing during pregnancy sends messages to the unborn child about the kind of environment for which he or she needs to be preparing. It is all about adaptation for survival. Harsh environments: emotional, social, economic, physical produce prolonged chronic stress. Constant production of excessive amounts of stress hormones changes the mother’s blood chemistry as the fetus is being formed. This interrupts brain development and ultimately brain functioning. These manifest as developmental delays and hidden disabilities. For example, emotional regulation; amygdala, hippocampus, the thermostat for turning on and off our fight or flight alarm system gets set too low and make the child hyper-vigilant and emotionally itchy, cognitive functioning Pre-frontal Cortex. Flaws in the structure of key areas of the brain result in undermining their function. Building the brain right with Mother’s nurturing experiences gives the child the maximum capacity to give love and receive love. The author also suggests appropriate parental behavior to nurture children from birth to adolescence. She uses narratives as the contexts to disseminate the critical information.